1:1 Strength Coaching

1:1 Coaching provides runners of all abilities with an individualized training plan, on-going communication, support, and motivation. Our coaches are here for you whether you are ready pick up strength training or get stronger to help improve your running.

What the Plan Entails:

$150 per month with a minimum of a 4 month commitment

  • Your coach will design a personalized and adaptive training plan based on training history to provide detailed workouts. Workouts will be delivered through the TrainingPeaks app.

  • Weekly check-ins to see how the week went, what went well and what you want to improve on going into the next week.

  • We recognize every athlete is unique and one-to-one attention is important when pursuing big goals. You will get regular and ongoing communication with your coach. This will help develop strong coach-athlete relationship and will present you knowledge and insights.

  • The mesocycle plan is a number of continuous weeks where the training program emphasize the same type of physical adaptations, for example muscle mass and anaerobic capacity.